Welcome to the WOCU documentation
About WOCU
Administration Manual
- Installation
- Update
- First steps
- Specific use cases
- Uploading geolocation data
- Delete Monitored Host
- Scheduling Reports
- Automatic interface discovery
- Adding shortcuts to the top bar of WOCU-Monitoring
- Configuration and integration of Grafana dashboards in WOCU-Monitoring
- Passive monitoring using the Log occurrences pack
- Notification Settings
- Inventory Management with WOCU-Monitoring
- Change or reset the user password
- Creation of Realms
- Realm display configuration
- High Availability (HA) scenarios
- HTTPS administration
- Enable Audit Module
- Uninstallation
Operation Manual
Additional modules
Monitoring Packs
- Error rate
- Troubleshooting
- E00-00X Import Tool is down
- E01-000 Livestatus error
- E02-000 Elasticsearch error
- E03-000 Influx error
- E04-000 Not able to connect to rabbitmq server
- E05-000 No Celery workers found
- E05-001 The task could not be run
- E06-000 Model not found or does not exist
- E07-000 Host not found or does not exist
- E07-001 It was not possible to discover information for this host
- E08-000 HostGroup not found or does not exist
- E09-000 DeletedAsset not found or does not exist
- GConf Troubleshooting
Release notes