Documentación API pública

GET /api/config/hosts/address/{address}/
  • address (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • skip_hostgroup_realms (boolean) – By default, only standard realms are retreived. Setting skip_hostgroup_realms to false will retrieve all the realms, including hostgroup-based realms.

Códigos de Status
GET /api/config/hosts/host_name/{host_name}/
  • host_name (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • skip_hostgroup_realms (boolean) – By default, only standard realms are retreived. Setting skip_hostgroup_realms to false will retrieve all the realms, including hostgroup-based realms.

Códigos de Status
POST /api/config/realm/create-realm/
Objeto JSON de solicitud
  • activated (boolean) –

  • collectd (string) – (required)

  • display_name (string) – (required)

  • host_groups (string) – Filter realm information by specified hostgroup(s)

  • host_name (string) – (required)

  • import_tool (string) –

  • link (string) – Link to external Wocu apps menu (including NagVis, Panorama, etc.). Leave it blank in case of doubt

  • logger (string) – Logger server for this realm

  • logger_resources[] (string) –

  • metrics (string) – Metrics used by this realm

  • metrics_db (string) – (required)

  • monitoring_ip (string) – (required)

  • monitoring_port (integer) – (required)

  • monitoring_socket (string) – Livestatus socket file, for example: /var/opt/wocu/run/shinken/livestatus.sock

  • origin[] (string) –

  • pnp4nagios_host (string) – IP or host name where PNP4Nagios service is running. If not defined, it will be used Monitoring Host value.

  • pnp4nagios_port (integer) – Port where PNP4Nagios service is running.

  • pnp4nagios_protocol (string) – Protocol used to make requests to PNP4Nagios service.

  • section (string) – (required)

Códigos de Status
GET /api/config/realm/{realm_name}/active-host-group/{hostgroup_name}/members/
  • realm_name (string) –

  • hostgroup_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/config/realm/{realm_name}/active-host-groups-only-names/
  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/config/realm/{realm_name}/hosts/active/

Returns all active hosts in configuration belonging to a given realm.

Returns all active hosts in configuration belonging to a given realm.

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/config/realm/{realm_name}/hosts/pending/

Returns all pending hosts in configuration belonging to a given realm.

Returns all pending hosts in configuration belonging to a given realm.

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/config/realm/{realm_name}/hosts/{host_name}/
  • realm_name (string) –

  • host_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/config/realms/hosts/
Códigos de Status
GET /api/device-inventory/realm/{realm_name}/host/{host}/inventory/
  • realm_name (string) –

  • host (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/events/monitoring/kpi/{kpi_id}/
  • kpi_id (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/events/multirealms/{realm_name}/monitoring/

Web service that returns monitoring events from a MultiRealm.

Web service that returns monitoring events from a MultiRealm.

At least one of the filters (parameters named arg_filter, except for hostgroup_filter) must be set to true in order to get any result.

Default time range if no dates are provided is 24 hours from now.

  • realm_name (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • time_from (string) – More info:

  • time_to (string) – More info:

  • hostgroup_filter (string) – Name of hostgroup. To look only for events of hosts and services of a specific hostgroup

  • hosts_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show host related events

  • services_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show service related events

  • notifications_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show notification related events

  • external_commands_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show external command related events

  • flapping_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show host and service flapping related events

  • service_desc (string) – Name of a service. To look only for events of that service

Códigos de Status
GET /api/events/realms/{realm_name}/hosts/{host}/monitoring/

Web service that returns monitoring events from a host belonging to a Realm

Web service that returns monitoring events from a host belonging to a Realm

At least one of the filters (parameters named arg_filter) must be set to true in order to get any result.

Default time range if no dates are provided is 24 hours from now.

  • realm_name (string) –

  • host (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • time_from (string) – More info:

  • time_to (string) – More info:

  • hostgroup_filter (string) – Name of hostgroup. To look only for events of hosts and services of a specific hostgroup

  • hosts_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show host related events

  • services_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show service related events

  • notifications_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show notification related events

  • external_commands_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show external command related events

  • flapping_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show host and service flapping related events

  • service_desc (string) – Name of a service. To look only for events of that service

Códigos de Status
GET /api/events/realms/{realm_name}/monitoring/

Web service that returns monitoring events from a Realm.

Web service that returns monitoring events from a Realm.

At least one of the filters (parameters named arg_filter, except for hostgroup_filter) must be set to true in order to get any result.

Default time range if no dates are provided is 24 hours from now.

  • realm_name (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • time_from (string) – More info:

  • time_to (string) – More info:

  • hostgroup_filter (string) – Name of hostgroup. To look only for events of hosts and services of a specific hostgroup

  • hosts_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show host related events

  • services_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show service related events

  • notifications_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show notification related events

  • external_commands_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show external command related events

  • flapping_filter (string) – Either true or false. Show host and service flapping related events

  • service_desc (string) – Name of a service. To look only for events of that service

Códigos de Status
GET /api/events/{realm_type}/{realm_name}/monitoring/kpi/hosts/
  • realm_type (string) –

  • realm_name (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • time_from (string) – Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. More info:

  • time_to (string) – Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. More info:

  • hostgroup_filter (string) – Name of hostgroup. To look only for events of hosts and services of a specific hostgroup

Códigos de Status
GET /api/events/{realm_type}/{realm_name}/monitoring/kpi/services/
  • realm_type (string) –

  • realm_name (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • time_from (string) – Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. More info:

  • time_to (string) – Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. More info:

  • hostgroup_filter (string) – Name of hostgroup. To look only for events of hosts and services of a specific hostgroup

Códigos de Status
GET /api/health/aggregator/

Web service that returns the health status of the application.

Web service that returns the health status of the application.

Códigos de Status
GET /api/health/import-tool/realm/{realm_name}/

Web service that returns the health status of the application.

Web service that returns the health status of the application.

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/health/import-tools/

Web service that returns the health status of the application.

Web service that returns the health status of the application.

Códigos de Status
GET /api/infrastructure/engine-info/
Códigos de Status
GET /api/infrastructure/realm/{realm_name}/engine-info/

Endpoint to get the WOCU infrastructure for a specific realm

Endpoint to get the WOCU infrastructure for a specific realm

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/infrastructure/realm/{realm_name}/engine_ips/

Endpoint to get the WOCU infrastructure with only the information of

Endpoint to get the WOCU infrastructure with only the information of impor-tool and the satellites for a specific realm

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/reports/info/{realm_type}/{realm_name}/
  • realm_type (string) –

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/stats/get-all-users/

Web service that returns all users.

Web service that returns all users.

Códigos de Status
GET /api/stats/get-users-and-sessions/

Web service that returns the number of logged users and the number of

Web service that returns the number of logged users and the number of active sessions.

Códigos de Status
GET /api/stats/origins/realms/{realm_name}/
  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/stats/realms/

Web service that returns the config of every single realm.

Web service that returns the config of every single realm.

Códigos de Status
GET /api/stats/realms/{user_name}/

Web service that returns all Realms and MultiRealms associated to an User.

Web service that returns all Realms and MultiRealms associated to an User.

  • user_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
DELETE /api/stats/user/{user_name}/

Web service that operate over a specific user.

Web service that operate over a specific user.

  • user_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/stats/{id_origin}/realms/

Web service that returns all Realms associated to an Origin.

Web service that returns all Realms associated to an Origin.

  • id_origin (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/multirealms/{realm_name}/

Web service that returns the global state of a MultiRealm.

Web service that returns the global state of a MultiRealm.

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/multirealms/{realm_name}/business_processes/

Returns the BP assets and info on them, in a MultiRealm.

Returns the BP assets and info on them, in a MultiRealm.

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/multirealms/{realm_name}/host/{host}/services/

Returns the services and their status, of a host in a Realm.

Returns the services and their status, of a host in a Realm.

  • realm_name (string) –

  • host (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/multirealms/{realm_name}/hostgroups/

Returns the status of hosts and services in a hostgroup, in a MultiRealm.

Returns the status of hosts and services in a hostgroup, in a MultiRealm.

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/multirealms/{realm_name}/hostgroups/{hostgroup_name}/hosts/

Web service that returns all hosts and their status, of a hostgroup in a MultiRealm.

Web service that returns all hosts and their status, of a hostgroup in a MultiRealm.

  • realm_name (string) –

  • hostgroup_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/multirealms/{realm_name}/hosts/

Web service that returns all the hosts, and their status, of a MultiRealm.

Web service that returns all the hosts, and their status, of a MultiRealm.

  • realm_name (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • macros (boolean) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/realms/service-status/

Returns a list of hosts and services with their state and active check

Returns a list of hosts and services with their state and active check status of all standard realms.

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/realms/{realm_name}/

Web service that returns the global state of a Realm.

Web service that returns the global state of a Realm.

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/realms/{realm_name}/business_processes/

Returns the BP assets and info on them, in a Realm.

Returns the BP assets and info on them, in a Realm.

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/realms/{realm_name}/host/{host}/services/

Returns the services and their status, of a host in a Realm.

Returns the services and their status, of a host in a Realm.

  • realm_name (string) –

  • host (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/realms/{realm_name}/hostgroups/

Returns the status of hosts and services in a hostgroup, in a Realm.

Returns the status of hosts and services in a hostgroup, in a Realm.

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/realms/{realm_name}/hostgroups/{hostgroup_name}/hosts/

Web service that returns all hosts and their status, of a hostgroup in a Realm.

Web service that returns all hosts and their status, of a hostgroup in a Realm.

  • realm_name (string) –

  • hostgroup_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/realms/{realm_name}/hosts-grouped-by-pack/

Web service that returns all host names grouped by assigned pack.

Web service that returns all host names grouped by assigned pack.

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/realms/{realm_name}/hosts/

Web service that returns all the hosts, and their status, of a Realm.

Web service that returns all the hosts, and their status, of a Realm.

  • realm_name (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • macros (boolean) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/realms/{realm_name}/hosts/{host}/

Web service that returns the state of a host belonging to a Realm.

Web service that returns the state of a host belonging to a Realm.

  • realm_name (string) –

  • host (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/{realm_type}/{realm_name}/host/availability/{host}/

Web service that returns Availability info of a unique host.

Web service that returns Availability info of a unique host.

  • realm_type (string) –

  • realm_name (string) –

  • host (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • time_from (string) – Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. More info:

  • time_to (string) – Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. More info:

  • threshold (integer) – Min: 0 - Max: 100

  • h_unavailable_states (array) –

    Comma-separated list of states. Available options:

    • UP



    • DOWN

  • hostgroup (string) – Name of a hostgroup

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/{realm_type}/{realm_name}/hosts-grouped-by-pack/

Web service that returns all host names grouped by assigned pack.

Web service that returns all host names grouped by assigned pack.

  • realm_type (string) –

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/status/{realm_type}/{realm_name}/hosts/availability/

Web service that returns Availability info of hosts of Realm.

Web service that returns Availability info of hosts of Realm.

  • realm_type (string) –

  • realm_name (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • time_from (string) – Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. More info:

  • time_to (string) – Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. More info:

  • threshold (integer) – Min: 0 - Max: 100

  • h_unavailable_states (array) –

    Comma-separated list of states. Available options:

    • UP



    • DOWN

  • hostgroup (string) – Name of a hostgroup

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/assets-state/duplicated-by-ip/

Duplicated hosts by IP

Duplicated hosts by IP

This query can only work if the collector is enabled and filled with data.

Example return: {

«»: 2 «»: 5


Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/assets-state/duplicated-by-name/

Duplicated hosts by name

Duplicated hosts by name

This query can only work if the collector is enabled and filled with data.

Example return: {

«testduplicate»: 2


Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/assets-state/hosts-by-state/

Hosts grouped by state

Hosts grouped by state

Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/assets-state/long-time-down/

Get hosts that have been down for more than X days

Get hosts that have been down for more than X days

Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

  • days (integer) – Number of days to filter from - default 15

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/assets-state/with-checks-disabled/

Hosts with checks disabled

Hosts with checks disabled

Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

  • days (integer) – Number of days to filter from - default 15

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/assets-state/{realm_name}/hosts-by-state/

Hosts grouped by state per realm

Hosts grouped by state per realm

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/assets-state/{realm_name}/long-time-down/

Get hosts that have been down for more than X days, per realm

Get hosts that have been down for more than X days, per realm

  • realm_name (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • days (integer) – Number of days to filter from - default 15

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/assets-state/{realm_name}/with-checks-disabled/

Hosts with checks disabled, per realm

Hosts with checks disabled, per realm

  • realm_name (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • days (integer) – Number of days to filter from - default 15

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/hosts-by-pack-state/with-packs-configured/

Hosts with and without *any* packs configured

Hosts with and without any packs configured

Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/hosts-by-pack-state/with-specific-pack/

Hosts with and without a specific pack configured

Hosts with and without a specific pack configured

Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

  • pack_name (string) – Filter by pack name - default “networkdevice-traffic”

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/hosts-by-pack-state/{realm_name}/with-packs-configured/

Hosts with and without *any* packs configured, per realm

Hosts with and without any packs configured, per realm

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/hosts-by-pack-state/{realm_name}/with-specific-pack/

Hosts with and without a specific pack configured, per realm

Hosts with and without a specific pack configured, per realm

  • realm_name (string) –

Parámetros de consulta
  • pack_name (string) – Filter by pack name - default “networkdevice-traffic”

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/realms/connected/

Realms and multirealms by connectivity

Realms and multirealms by connectivity

Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/realms/hostgroups/

Hostgroups and standard realms

Hostgroups and standard realms

Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/realms/realms/

Realms and multirealms

Realms and multirealms

Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/services/long-time-down/

Services that have been down for more than X days

Services that have been down for more than X days

Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/services/services-by-state/

Services by state

Services by state

Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/services/with-checks-disabled/

Services with checks disabled

Services with checks disabled

Parámetros de consulta
  • category (string) – Filter by realm category

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/services/{realm_name}/long-time-down/

Services that have been down for more than X days, per realm

Services that have been down for more than X days, per realm

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/services/{realm_name}/services-by-state/

Services by state, per realm

Services by state, per realm

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status
GET /api/summary/services/{realm_name}/with-checks-disabled/

Services with checks disabled, per realm

Services with checks disabled, per realm

  • realm_name (string) –

Códigos de Status