Reset login attempts

In WOCU-Monitoring there is the option to enable Security Module, which, when detecting login attempts failed on a recurring basis, may disable access to the user orthe source IP that makes these attempts.

If you need to re-enable login, it is necessaryenter server terminal 1.

Once inside the server, several actions can be performed:

  • Reset all users and IP addresses:

/opt/wocu/embedded/wocu/wocu-aggregator/wocu-aggregator/ axes_reset
  • Reset a specific user:

/opt/wocu/embedded/wocu/wocu-aggregator/wocu-aggregator/ axes_reset_username [USER]
  • Reset a specific IP address:

/opt/wocu/embedded/wocu/wocu-aggregator/wocu-aggregator/ axes_reset_ip [IP]

There is another way to reset your logins, which is to access the database and delete the corresponding records. WithoutHowever, this option can be dangerous, since it involves manipulationdirectly to the WOCU-Monitoring database. If data is deletedother than those specified below, a inconsistency in the system.

The steps to follow are detailed below:

  • Enter database (credentials required):

    mysql -uroot -p aggregator

  • Delete required records from table axes_accessattempt:

    delete from axes_accessattempt where username ='USERNAME';


In distributed deployments the WOCU-Monitoring instance to which You must access the one called Console.