
E00-00X Import Tool is down

The fall of the Import Tool or visor can occur due to:

  • The viewfinder is inoperative: simply lift the viewfinder.

  • Incorrect or inadequate viewer configuration: check in the advanced configuration that the Protocol, Port and IP are correctly configured.

  • Network problems: connectivity errors or network latency can cause slow response times or disconnections between nodes.

E01-000 Livestatus error

Livestatus may face problems for a variety of reasons:

  • Configuration: check for correct configuration in Nagios, Icinga or in Livestatus itself, otherwise it may lead to performance problems.

  • Hardware problems: check for lack of disk space, memory or CPU problems.

  • High query load: an excessive amount of queries can cause error.

  • Network problems: check that there are no connectivity problems or network network latency, as these can cause slow response times or disconnections between system nodes and Livestatus”

  • Errors in the code: caused by possible updates that are Check this situation in the system logs.

E02-000 Elasticsearch error

Elasticsearch may face problems for a number of reasons:

  • Hardware problems: check for lack of disk space or memory or CPU problems. This can negatively affect the performance of Elasticsearch.

  • Incorrect configuration: check that the host link and port are correct or if the JVM has been allocated too little memory”

  • High query load: an excessive amount of queries or resource-intensive intensive use of resources can overload the system and cause performance or interruption problems. For example, more than 10,000 documents as query result, can lead to a timeout.

  • Improper Sharding and Replication: Improper configuration of Shards and Replicas can cause certain failures. Consult the indexes and review the Shards and Replicas so that you can assess whether it is sufficient.

  • Errors in the code: existence of erroneous updates. In this case, check in the system logs that this is the case.

E03-000 Influx error

InfluxDB can encounter problems or fail for a number of reasons. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Hardware problems: check for lack of disk space or memory or CPU problems, all of which can negatively affect InfluxDB performance

  • Configuración incorrecta: una configuración incorrecta o inadecuada de InfluxDB, como asignar muy poca memoria o utilizar una configuración no óptima, puede causar problemas de rendimiento o fallas en el sistema.

  • High query load: an excessive amount of queries can cause error.

  • Data ingestion errors: errors in the data ingestion process, such asincorrectly formatted data or field type conflicts, check that the data entered into InfluxDB is formatted correct format.

  • Network problems: connectivity problems or network latency can cause slow response times or disconnections between nodes in an InfluxDB cluster.

  • Errors in the code: as a last resort, there may be an update that is giving error, check this situation in the system logs”system logs.

E04-000 Not able to connect to rabbitmq server

RabbitMQ may fail for the following reasons:

  • RabbitMQ is not operational: simply bypass RabbitMQ.

  • Incorrect configuration: check it in RabbitMq itself, in particular look at the host and port. Another possibility is a bad configuration of the queues or Routing Keys, check all those variables.

E05-000 No Celery workers found

The only reason for the failure is due to the fact that the piece of software that carries the Celery is not functional at this time.

They simply have to be lifted.

E05-001 The task could not be run

The reason is a bug in the software. It is necessary to record the logs of the system in such a way that it can be checked whether it really is a failure of the code or whether an error occurred when calling an external service and for and therefore the task could not be completed correctly.

E06-000 Model not found or does not exist

This failure occurs when trying to access the information of an unspecified generic model, because the model is resolved at and such a model does not exist.

With a correct use of WOCU-Monitoring, the user should not be shown that error, otherwise there is a bug in the code of the table that is trying to be displayed.

E07-000 Host not found or does not exist

This failure occurs when you are trying to access the information of a Host, and that model does not exist. With a correct use of WOCU-Monitoring should not show this error to the user, otherwise it is due to a bug in the code of the table you are trying to display.

E07-001 It was not possible to discover information for this host

It originates from a bug in the discovery script of Hosts. We should check whether this is a bug in the script and debug it, or it is being performed on the correct devices.

E08-000 HostGroup not found or does not exist

This failure occurs when you are trying to access information from a HostGroup, and that model does not exist. With a correct use of WOCU-Monitoring should not show this error to the user, otherwise, it is because of a bug in the code of the table you are trying to display

E09-000 DeletedAsset not found or does not exist

This failure occurs when you are trying to access the information of a Host, and that model does not exist. With a correct use of WOCU-Monitoring should not show this error to the user, otherwise it is due to a bug in the code of the table you are trying to display.

GConf Troubleshooting

EX-000 Missing setting GConf environment variables

It must be checked during the installation of the tool, that the variables relating to GConf are contained in the file containing the environment variables and that they have a valid value.

EX-001 Gconf authentication error

The credentials supplied through the environment variables, as they are not correct.

EX-002 Gconf request error

The request you have tried to make to GConf is incorrect and needs to be revised, it may be a programming error or that the data to be fetched is not correct.

EX-003 Any realm found with the given name

The Realm in which you are trying to find the information does not have a correspondence with any valid Realm in GConf.