WOCU-Monitoring Installation Guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide the necessary instructions for the correct installation of WOCU-Monitoring, through a few simple indications.


WOCU-Monitoring can be installed on the following operating systems:

  • RedHat 9

  • RedHat 8

  • Debian 10 (deprecated in upcoming releases)

  • Debian 11

  • Debian 12

The minimum requirements to deploy the AIO (All-in-one) version of WOCU-Monitoring are detailed below.



CPU (cores)

Memory (GB)


CPU (cores)

Memory (GB)








The maximum capacity for an AIO instance is 5,000 monitored devices with an average of 5 services per device. In environments with more than 25,000 services, WOCU-Monitoring must be deployed in a distributed architecture. The following table details the requirements for each of the modules.


CPU (cores)

Memory (GB)


























Each Engine supports 25,000 services, and the number of Engines will be increased to meet the monitoring environment’s needs.

Disk usage depends largely on the number of events generated by the tool, which in turn depends on the stability and availability of the monitored platform. It will also vary according to the retention times used to store these events. Therefore, it is difficult to make a real calculation of the disk space that will be used. As a general rule of thumb, such an installation with a retention of 3 months may require 128 GB, although 256 GB is recommended.

Gconf can be deployed in both architectures, but it requires an additional server with the following hardware requirements.

CPU (cores)

Memory (GB)





To monitor the base system on which WOCU-Monitoring is installed, the WOCU Health monitoring pack is available, which is useful for optimising hardware resources


The deployment addressed in this document is an AIO (All-in-one) installation.

Download installation package

Enterprise Version

The Enterprise version of WOCU-Monitoring is also available for download from the packages.wocu-monitoring.com repository, but in an authenticated form, so you will have to request credentials from the contact page.

Installation of the Enterprise version

WOCU-Monitoring can be installed with deb repositories (Debian/Ubuntu) or rpm repositories (RedHat).


There are two tracks:

  • Installation with packages

    It will be necessary to go to the directory where the package is saved, and then execute the following command:

    apt install -f ./[NOMBRE_DEL_PAQUETE].deb -y
  • Installation from repository

    The first thing is to set up authentication for the WOCU-Monitoring package repository.


    Remember to request your customer credentials from the contact <https://www.wocu-monitoring.com/contact/>`_ page and replace the ``<YOURCUSTOMERLOGIN> and <YOURCUSTOMERPASSWORD> variables with the values provided.

    All commands must be run on a console as root or with administrator privileges.

    bash -c ' cat >>  /etc/apt/auth.conf <<EOF
    machine download.wocu-monitoring.com

    The repository is served by HTTPS, so if you do not have support for encrypted repositories, you must install the necessary apt support:

    apt update
    apt install apt-transport-https wget

    Next, you must add the package repository to the sources.list file on the machine and get the public key for it:

    • Debian 11

      echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.wocu-monitoring.com/repository/wocu-apt-internal-deb11 bullseye main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wocu-monitoring.list
      wget -O - https://files.wocu-monitoring.com/wocu-monitoring.gpg.key | apt-key add -
    • Debian 10

      echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.wocu-monitoring.com/repository/wocu-apt-internal-deb10 buster main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wocu-monitoring.list
      wget -O - https://files.wocu-monitoring.com/wocu-monitoring.gpg.key | apt-key add -

    Finally, the update of the local repository is required, together with the installation of the AIO package of WOCU-Monitoring:

    apt update
    apt install wocu


There are two tracks:

  • Installation with packages

    It will be necessary to go to the directory where the package is saved, and then execute the following command:

    dnf install -y ./[NOMBRE_DEL_PAQUETE].rpm
  • Installation from repository

    The first thing is to set up authentication for the WOCU-Monitoring package repository.


    Remember to request your customer credentials from the contact <https://www.wocu-monitoring.com/contact/>`_ page and replace the ``<YOURCUSTOMERLOGIN> and <YOURCUSTOMERPASSWORD> variables with the values provided.

    All commands must be run on a console as root or with administrator privileges.

    bash -c ' cat >>  /etc/yum.repos.d/wocu-monitoring.repo <<EOF

    After adding the new repository, update the repository metadata to ensure that your package manager recognizes the new repository:

    dnf makecache

    Next, you must add the package repository to the sources.list file on the machine and get the public key for it:

    echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.wocu-monitoring.com/repository/wocu-apt-internal-deb10 buster main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wocu-monitoring.list
    wget -O - https://download.wocu-monitoring.com/files/wocu-monitoring.gpg.key | apt-key add -

    Finally, the update of the local repository is required, together with the installation of the AIO package of WOCU-Monitoring:

    dnf update
    dnf install wocu

Installation of additional modules


Only applicable to Debian environments.

Additional modules can be installed depending on the customer’s needs and requirements.


If the monitoring you are going to perform with WOCU-Monitoring is mainly based on SNMP requests, it is recommended to install this package, which includes the proprietary MIBS of most technologies available in the market.

The package is not installed by default in distributions, as it is not an Open Source licensed package. To install it, add support for downloading packages from the non-free repository:

  • Debian 11
    echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
  • Debian 10
    echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

Immediately install the snmp-mibs-downloader package:

apt update && apt install -y snmp-mibs-downloader

Initial configuration

The initial configuration of WOCU-Monitoring starts from a single file located at:

editor /etc/wocu/wocu.yml

It is not necessary to modify this file, as the default values are intended to work out-of-the-box. You can check the file with the default values in the following path:

editor /etc/wocu/default.yml


When modification is necessary, never make the change to the /etc/wocu/default.yml file (it is overwritten between updates). Instead, modify the /etc/wocu/wocu.yml file, adding new values (if necessary).

Once the final configuration has been obtained, run the following command to update the system with the modified values. This process may take This process can take up to 5 minutes.

wocu-ctl configure


Additionally, you can obtain information about the current state of your processes by executing (in another terminal) the following command:

tail -f /tmp/minion.salt.log

As an example, this would be a possible response from the status command:


Use the following command to launch WOCU-Monitoring processes:

wocu-ctl start

Next, check the status of the processes started through this command:

wocu-ctl status

Finally, it will be necessary to modify the /etc/hosts file by executingthe following command. Skip in case of upgrade.

echo -e "#WOCU \n<yourserverip> wocu\n" >> /etc/hosts

Access the WOCU-Monitoring interface at the following address from your browser:


By default the login credentials are:

User: admin Pass: admin


For security reasons, we recommend that you change the administrator on first access.

You can continue with the recommended First steps to access the web portal, finish configuring the tool and start monitoring your hosts.

Installation of the Free version

The following are the instructions necessary for the correct installation of the free version of WOCU-Monitoring. The deployment that is an AIO (All-in-one) type installation.


WOCU-Monitoring can be installed on the following operating systems:

  • Debian 11

  • RedHat 8


An internet connection is necessary to start the installation process.

The free license for WOCU-Monitoring supports up to 1500 hosts. The requirements for this type of deployment are 16 GB RAM and 4 CPU cores.

An installation of this type requires guilabel:256 GB for 6 months of retention.

Download installation package

The installation package for the free version of WOCU-Monitoring is available at:



All commands must be run on a console as root or with administrator privileges.

Then execute the following command:

  • Debian 11
    apt install -f ./[NOMBRE_DEL_PAQUETE].deb -y
  • RedHat 8
    dnf install -y ./[NOMBRE_DEL_PAQUETE].rpm

Installation of additional modules


Only applicable to Debian environments.

The monitoring via TRAPS SNMP, requires the installation of the MIBS, which can be found in an additional package, within the non-free repositories.

The package is not installed by default in distributions, as it is not an Open Source licensed package.

To install it, add support for downloading packages from the repository non-free:

  • Debian 11
    echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
  • Debian 10
    echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

Immediately install the snmp-mibs-downloader package:

apt update && apt install -y snmp-mibs-downloader

Initial configuration

After installing the package, the deployment process will be executed by using the the following command. This process may take up to about 5 minutes.

wocu-ctl configure


Additionally, you can obtain information about the current state of your processes by executing (in another terminal) the following command:

tail -f /tmp/minion.salt.log

As an example, this would be a possible response from the status command:


Next, the /etc/hosts file must be modified by executing the following command:

echo -e "#WOCU \n<yourserverip> wocu\n" >> /etc/hosts

Use the following command to launch WOCU-Monitoring processes:

wocu-ctl start

Next, check the status of the processes started through this command:

wocu-ctl status && systemctl status mysql

The expected outcome would be the following:

chromium                                  RUNNING
elasticsearch                             RUNNING
grafana                                   RUNNING
influxdb                                  RUNNING
kibana                                    STOPPED
lmd                                       RUNNING
lmd-aggregator                            RUNNING
memcached                                 RUNNING
mongodb                                   RUNNING
nginx                                     RUNNING
npcd                                      RUNNING
php-fpm                                   RUNNING
rabbitmq                                  RUNNING
redis                                     RUNNING
rrdcached                                 RUNNING
shinken:shinken-arbiter                   RUNNING
shinken:shinken-broker                    RUNNING
shinken:shinken-poller                    RUNNING
shinken:shinken-reactionner               RUNNING
shinken:shinken-receiver                  RUNNING
shinken:shinken-scheduler                 RUNNING
snmptrapd                                 RUNNING
snmptt                                    RUNNING
td-agent                                  RUNNING
thruk                                     RUNNING
wocu-aggregator                           RUNNING
wocu-aggregator-workers:generic-worker    RUNNING
wocu-aggregator-workers:report-arbiter    RUNNING
wocu-aggregator-workers:report-notifier   RUNNING
wocu-aggregator-workers:report-runner     RUNNING
wocu-aggregator-workers:workers-beat      RUNNING
wocu-import-tool                          RUNNING
wocu-import-tool-celery-beat              RUNNING
wocu-import-tool-celery-flower            RUNNING
wocu-import-tool-celery-monitor           RUNNING
wocu-import-tool-celery-worker            RUNNING
wocu-snmptrap-consumer                    RUNNING


Kibana is always disabled by default.

Access the WOCU-Monitoring interface at the following address from your browser:


By default the login credentials are:

User: admin
Pass: admin


For security reasons, we recommend that you change the administrator on first access.

You can continue with the recommended First steps to access the web portal, finish configuring the tool and start monitoring your hosts.

Installation of licenses


To configure the license for WOCU-Monitoring from version 57 onwards, it will first be necessary to obtain a valid license by contacting the Sales Team.

The license must be included in the following components of WOCU-Monitoring:

  • Aggregator

  • Import-tool

Which means that the following components will require a license:

  • AIO

  • agrgegator

  • monitoring

  • monitoring-aio

  • monitoring-visor

To install the license, you will have a compressed file (.zip) containing two files:

  • wocu.license

  • wocu_key.pub

  1. For the Aggregator component, the reference to these files are found in: /etc/wocu/default.yml.

        license_file_path: /etc/wocu/wocu.license
        license_public_key_file_path: /etc/wocu/wocu.license.key.pub

    Next, it is necessary to copy the extracted files to the specified paths:

    • wocu.license: mover/copiar a /etc/wocu/wocu.license

    • wocu_key.pub: mover/copiar a /etc/wocu/wocu.license.key.pub

  2. For the Import-Tool component, the reference for those files is located in: /etc/wocu/default.yml.

        license_file_path: /etc/wocu/wocu.license
        license_public_key_file_path: /etc/wocu/wocu.license.key.pub

    Next, it is necessary to copy the extracted files to the specified paths:

    • wocu.license: mover/copiar a /etc/wocu/wocu.license

    • wocu_key.pub: mover/copiar a /etc/wocu/wocu.license.key.pub

Having completed the above, set up and restart the components:

  • AIO and Monitoring-AIO

    wocu-ctl configure
    wocu-ctl restart wocu-aggregator
    wocu-ctl restart wocu-import-tool
  • aggregator and aggregator-api

    wocu-ctl configure
    wocu-ctl restart wocu-aggregator
  • monitoring and monitoring-visor

    wocu-ctl configure
    wocu-ctl restart wocu-import-tool