
WOCU-Monitoring allows the automation of Report operations, thanks to the possibility of scheduling their generation and launching under user criteria.

This section presents all existing report schedules in detail, for their management, editing and processing, based on a set of available actions for individual application.


Global programming panel

The programming of a generated report will be stacked sequentially in a global panel, along with a series of configuration fields previously defined by the user and others automatically generated by the system.


They are listed below:


Mnemonic name assigned to a report schedule. Corresponds to the Schedule name field in the creation form. More information in: Creating New Scheduling.


This column indicates whether the report schedule is active (✔️) or not (✖️).

Report type

Indicates the type of report, which may be:


Indicates the frequency with which the report will be launched, according to Crontab format.


Indicates the frequency or periodicity of the report launch. Corresponds to the Schedule interval field in the creation form.

Create at

Indicates the exact date and time the report schedule was created. The table entries (schedules) are sorted by default from the time they were created, from most recent to oldest.


This column indicates whether the report schedule has an expiration date (the set date will be specified) or will be launched cyclically until it is reconfigured (Never expires).

Last run at

Indicates the exact date and time of the last launch of the report. If it has not yet been executed, it will be reported with the message Never executed.


Program List Actions

Due to its importance, the actions applicable to each reporting schedule are described below:



This action allows the user to permanently delete one of the programming entries. Selecting this option will cause the following message to appear on the screen:


The action is executed by pressing the red Delete button. Once the deletion action is confirmed, the schedule will disappear from the global panel.

Editing programs

By clicking on the name of a particular item, its corresponding detail view will appear with the current configuration values.


This action allows you to individually edit and update the programming configuration. Once the action is selected, the editing form will appear, where the user can modify each configuration parameter.


Extended information about each editing and configuration field in: Report Schedule Creation Form.


Once you have made the desired changes, press the blue Update button at the bottom of the form to save the new configuration.


The different options for browsing, searching and sorting items present on this screen are explained in detail in the section: Common navigation, filtering and sorting options.