Overview: Home
The Home screen provides an overview of all monitored Realms. This is also the usual starting point in WOCU when accessing its environment and the starting point for navigation between its different screens.
Top summary panel
Numerical summary
At the top of the screen, WOCU displays as a summary a series of numerical data of the monitored elements:
Total number of independent monitoring systems (Realms) under WOCU monitoring.
Total number of checks performed by WOCU, i.e. the sum of all Hosts and Services.
Number of hosts out of service out of the total number of monitored hosts.
Business Process Hosts (BP Hosts)
Number of Business Process Hosts out of service out of the total number of monitored Business Process Hosts.
Number of Services out of service and number of Services with Problems out of the total number of monitored Services.
Business Process Services (BP Services)
Number of Business Process Services out of service and number of Business Process Services with Problems over the total number of Business Process Services monitored.
The number of elements (Hosts or Services) whose status is Down or Critical is highlighted on a red background oval and/or the Services whose status is Warning are highlighted on a yellow background oval.
Global status panel
In addition, WOCU offers a visual overview with information about the status of the monitored elements.
Count by type of elements
The table on the left relates each asset type (Hosts, BP Hosts, Services and BP Services) to the following data:
Total number of each typology (column with the pad: # Total).
Operating assets (column with a tick: ✓)
Active are out of service (column with the arrow pointing down: ⬇).
Active with problems (column with exclamation mark: !).
Health column, indicating in percentage terms how many elements are in each of the states defined by WOCU-Monitoring: Warning (yellow), OK (green), Critical (red) and Unknown (blue).
Total Problem Count
To the right of this table is a list of the Problems on the platform for each of the Realms monitored:
1 ) The column “Problems” indicates the number of problems per Realm.
2 ) The “Problems distribution” graph identifies the percentage of Problems that, in relation to the total, corresponds to each Realm. In other words, it illustrates which Realm has the most incidents in progress. For this purpose, the graph uses a colour code that corresponds to the colour shown in the table on the left next to the name of each Realm.
Hovering the cursor over the graph will give you the name of the Realm to which each section corresponds and the number of problems. If your console monitors a multitude of realms, this option may be useful to more easily identify each of the realms.
Evolution chart of most problematic Standard Realms
This graph accurately presents the ten standard Realms with the most incidents recorded in the last 24 hours. It shows the evolution together with the sum of Hosts and BP Hosts downtime, integrated in standard-only Realms.
The fall of Assets means the total loss of availability.
The vertical axis presents the numerical values as a scale, while the horizontal axis expresses the time (exact time within the last 24 hours). The legend is sorted alphabetically.
Although the maximum number of Realms to be displayed on the graph is ten, those Realms for which no data is available will not be shown.
Interactive functionalities
By hovering the cursor over any point on the graph, an information window will pop up with the values recorded for that particular point. WOCU will first indicate the exact time of the record and then the total value of drops (sum of Hosts and BP Hosts) for the specific standard Realm.
([Time of registration] , [Sum of drops]) - Summary Host and Bp Host Down [Realm Name].
By clicking on one of the Realms in the legend, only the line of the selected Realm will be displayed on the graph and the remaining Realms will be disabled. To restore the initial graph, repeat the action by clicking on the Realm again.
Summary panels by Realm
WOCU provides a brief numerical summary for each of the monitored Realms.
Recall that Realms were previously defined as independent monitoring systems that have their own elements (Assets) and that WOCU treats them independently.
Each Realm is identified through a series of attributes located at the top of each Summary Panel (from left to right):
Customisable logo/image
To the left of the logo, an element that helps the user to graphically identify each of the Realms defined in WOCU. By default WOCU attributes the example graphic (which corresponds to the product logo).
Identifier or name
The name helps to define, give meaning to and identify each of the monitored Realms.
Customisable colour label
It is an element that serves to categorise the different Realms existing in WOCU. For this purpose, a series of categories are established, made up of a descriptive text and a colour, which are then attributed to the different Realms.
Realm type icon
WOCU assigns an icon that identifies each Realm type. The different Realm types are described later in this section.
The Creation of Realms and configuration of its attributes is done in WOCU Administration Mode.
The elements monitored (Assets) by WOCU that belong to each Realm are shown in tabular form below:
Business Process Hosts (BP Hosts)
Business Process Services (BP Services)
The total number of elements of each type shall be indicated in brackets next to the corresponding type.
The respective columns show for each type of element the balance of their status:
Additionally, the number of items filtered through the User Preferences: Filter acknowledged status and/or Filter disabled checks is also displayed.
Placing the cursor over the data in each row and column will give the count of information for each type of element:
Clicking on the icon or the identifier of each Realm takes us to the specific data of each monitoring system, as will be shown in the following points of this manual.
Types of Realms
As mentioned above, in WOCU there is a typology of Realms described by an icon to the right of each Summary Panel. The typology of Realms is given by the way in which each Realm is constituted.
Standard realms
This type of Realms consists of Assets manually configured by the WOCU Administrator. The elements are manually selected and become part of one of these monitoring systems.
These types of Realms are identified by the following icon:
The absence of a type-specific icon informs the user that he is dealing with one of these manually created standard Realms.
Realms based on Hosts Groups
A quick and easy way to create a Realm and provide it with Assets is to associate it to one or more Host Groups. On this occasion, the WOCU Administrator will include in the created Realm the elements that already constitute one or more Hosts Groups, which are logical sets of elements that group together different Assets.
These types of Realms are identified by the following icon:
When one of the Host Groups that make up a Realm is out of service, the data related to it will be hidden in the panel, showing only the information of the groups that are operational. However, as a visual aid, the icon associated with this type of Realm will turn red to indicate that there are problems with one of the Host Groups.
Similarly, hovering the cursor over the icon displays a pop-up with information on the availability of the Realm’s Host Groups.
In case no Host Group is operational, this particular panel shall become inactive.
The third alternative when creating a Realm is to include other existing Realms within it, i.e. to create an aggregation of Realms. In this case, instead of individual Assets or groups of Assets, the WOCU Administrator can directly include entire monitoring systems by aggregating their members to create a larger Realm.
Multi-realms are identified by the following icon:
Placing the cursor over the icon will display the Realms that make up the Multi-Realm (Available realms):
Only the WOCU Administrator can add new Realms from the Advanced Settings module. More information can be found at:
Filtering and sorting of the Home data
There are a number of options that allow the filtering and organisation shown in the Home.
Realm selection buttons
Above the Global Status Panel, there are buttons that allow you to show and hide data relating to Realms and their summary panels. You will find an All button, which displays global data for all existing Realms, and a button for each of the Realms identified by name.
All buttons work in the same way:
1) A right-click will select only the chosen Realm and hide the rest.
2) A left click will exclude the chosen Realm from the selection, showing only the remaining Realms.
Filter by Realm type
The filter by realm type button allows you to select which realm summary panels will be displayed, according to the type of realm, according to the typology described: standard realms, multi-realms and host group realms.
By default the selected option in this filter will be All realms, i.e. no WOCU realm will be filtered. Clicking on the button will display a menu that will allow you to select the type of realm you want to display, hiding the rest of the types in the view.
Once one of the realm type options has been selected, the filter by realm type button will display the chosen option.
Filtering Realms according to their connectivity
With this filter it is possible to restrict the display of realm summary panels from the Home view, according to their connectivity and accessibility status.
The possible filtering options are
Show realms with connectivity: only live realms will be displayed, i.e. all realms that are available and accessible to the user.
Show all realms: all realms will be displayed without distinction.
Show realms without connectivity: only the realms that, although configured, do not respond will be displayed, i.e. all those that are without connectivity and are not accessible to the user. With this option we will be able to know which elements of the WOCU infrastructure are not up.
Search filter (Search…)
The search box (Search…) allows you to filter the information provided by Home by displaying data from only one or several of the Realms monitored in WOCU.
Type in the name of the Realm you wish to observe and all other Realms will disappear from view. You only need to enter a few characters of the Realm name for WOCU to apply the filter. If several Realms start with the same initial then only these will be displayed when that initial is entered into the filter. The filter also searches by name in the middle characters of the identifier, so the filtering possibilities are very large.
To undo the filter simply delete the characters entered and all Realms will be displayed again.
Sort Summary Panels by Realm
Through the Name, Problems and Assets options, you can set the order in which WOCU displays the different Realms, either from highest to lowest or from lowest to highest.
Allows you to organise the view of Realms according to their identifier in alphabetical order.
Allows you to organise the Realms view according to the number of Hosts Down hosts.
Allows you to organise the Realms view according to the number of elements that make up each Realm.
These filters will be enabled when all Realms summary panels are loaded in the interface.
At the top right of the Home view there is an option to hide the global status panel (identified by the icon of two converging arrows) which hides the panel, leaving only the summary boxes per Realm visible. This option is very useful for viewing the wide variety of data displayed in this view.
The different navigation, pagination and ordering options present in this view are explained in detail in the section: Common navigation, filtering and sorting options in WOCU.
Add a new Realm (+ New Realm)
WOCU-Monitoring offers the possibility for the user to add new Realms from the Home View interface, to become part of the monitored technology infrastructure.
A Realm is a completely independent monitoring system, organised and managed by the system. Each Realm will have its own monitored assets, over which the tool will maintain in isolation: inventories, problems, event logging, metrics calculation, report generation, etc.
To do this, click on the blue + New Realm button next to the filtering and sorting components of the summary panels, as shown in the image below.
Once this action is selected, a pop-up window will appear with a form whose configuration fields have to be filled in manually by the user.
The process of configuring and filling in the fields and parameters of the registration form is described in detail in section Creation of Realms, distinguishing by type and nature of the Realm:
In the event that no monitoring Realm is configured in the tool, the + New Realm action will remain available to proceed with the creation of new Realms. To do so, you must be registered as an Administrator in the system.