User preferences

WOCU allows users to configure certain technical and display aspects through the User Display Configuration Screen, accessible from the user menu located in the top menu. The possible options to be modified are:


Autorefresh Interval

Allows the user to set the number of seconds to refresh the data displayed in WOCU (if the corresponding option is enabled).

⇨ By default WOCU sets 90 seconds.

Filter Acknowledged status filter

This option allows filtering devices and services with alarms that are already known and assumed by the operator, and that for the time being will remain in the same situation. Therefore, when applying this filter, these elements will be recognised and therefore hidden, showing only those with more serious alarms. In this way it will be easier to know in advance which alarms have already been dealt with and which have not. Acknowledgement is a common task in the daily operation of alarm handling in WOCU.

Enabling this filter may affect the data expressed in the panels of the Status.

Additionally, (and after activating this filter), in the Global Panel of the Status, in the Filtered column, those elements on which the Apply acknowledged action has been selected will appear.


In addition this option can be modified within the tabs Problems and Assets. Activating this filter will not show in the list the assets where the user has applied the recognition action.



The action of Apply acknowledged on inventoried Hosts and Services, is explained in detail in Apply accepted or recognised status.

⇨ By default this filter is enabled in the user preferences.

Filter Disabled Checks

WOCU performs checks to evaluate the operational status of devices and services but allows you to temporarily disable this execution. Enabling this option will not show devices and services with disabled checks in either Problems or Status summaries.

Additionally, (and after activating this filter), in the Global Panel of the Status, in the Filtered column, those items for which the Disable active checks action has been selected will appear.


In addition this option can be modified within the tabs Problems and Assets. Enabling this filter will not show in the list assets for which the user has disabled the check task.



The Disable active checks action on inventoried Hosts and Services, is explained in detail in Disable Active Checks.

⇨ By default this filter is enabled in the user preferences.

Filter Problem Services if Host Down

By checking this box, the tool shall only display downed services as long as the host it is associated to is operational. In case the host is down or unreachable, its associated services will not be displayed. In this way, redundant information will not be displayed, since the host’s warning alarm is sufficient.

This filter will affect the data displayed in:

⇨ By default this filter is enabled in the user preferences.

Isolate Assets in Geomap

By ticking this box, Assets represented on geomaps that are geographically close to each other will not be grouped together.

On the other hand, those that share an exact location or are extremely close are unified, as they cannot be shown at the same time without overlapping each other, which would make it difficult to locate them on the geomap. For a clear visualisation it is recommended to use the zoom options available in the geomaps.

  • Filter not activated:

  • Activated filter:


⇨ By default this filter is disabled in the user preferences.

Default sla threshold

Through this option the user can set the minimum threshold value (in percentage) for the fulfilment of the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Click on the up and down arrow icons to the right of the threshold percentage. Each click will add or subtract one unit to the threshold percentage.


In the creation and configuration of Availability Reports, there is a Threshold field, where the value set in this section can be modified.

⇨ By default this parameter is set to a value of 98.

Status Initial SLA Host

It may be the case that not enough data has been collected to determine the initial state of a Host. This option allows the user to assume and assign the initial state that WOCU has not been able to ascertain.

The possible states are:

  • Down

  • UP

  • Unreachable

  • Current state


This user decision is represented in the panel Service availability (Last 24 hours), of the Detailed view of Services associated to a Host.

⇨ By default the predefined initial state is UP.

Status Initial SLA Service

As with hosts, there may also be a lack of data to determine the initial status of a Service. This option allows the user to assume and assign the status that WOCU has not been able to ascertain.

The possible states are:

  • OK

  • Warning

  • Critical

  • Unknown

  • Current state


This user decision is represented in the panel Service availability (Last 24 hours), of the Detailed view of Services associated to a Host.

⇨ By default the predefined initial status is OK.

Show full check command

Through this option, the user can enable the full view of the Check Command executed to determine the status of the Service, in the Last check information panel of the Detailed view of Services associated to a Host.

Due to the sensitive data that this command may display, the parameter will be disabled by default.


Check Command is a service definition argument. It is an internally executed operation to check the status of a specific parameter you want to know about an asset (CPU, hard disk space, RAM used, etc.).


Finally, once all the filters and parameters of the User Preferences have been configured, the changes must be saved by clicking on the blue button Save Preferences to make the established configuration effective.

If for some reason you would like to revert to the default settings, you can reset to the initial values by pressing the Reset to Defaults button. The contents of the preferences modal will be updated when the action is confirmed by the Save Preferences button for the change to take effect.



User Preferences are implemented globally, i.e. any modification will affect all Realms and assets monitored in WOCU-Monitoring, without restriction.