
By default, the Status tab for each Realm is accessed from Home. The active tab will be highlighted and the icon and name of the Realm accessed will appear to the left of the tab.

The Status tab shows an overview of the elements of our Realm through a series of panels.


Global Panel

This panel first displays numerical data about the elements monitored in WOCU for the selected Realm in the form of a table.

For each type of element (Hosts, BP Hosts, Services, and BP Services), it indicates how many of them are in one of the four states defined by WOCU-Monitoring (Down/Critical, Warning, Unreachable/Unknown, Up/OK), how many of them have been filtered (Filtered), and the total number of monitored elements.



The Assets appearing in the Filtered column correspond to those items for which the Apply acknowledged and/or the Disable active checks action, both present in the Actions on inventoried hosts, have been selected. Or after having enabled in the menu of User preferences the options of Filter acknowledged, Filter disabled checks and/or Filter problem services if host down.

Additionally, two ring graphs show the status of the elements monitored by WOCU-Monitoring for the selected Realm. The graphs make a distinction between Hosts and Services. Each of them includes the totality of the monitored elements (value indicated within the graph) and in which monitoring status they are and of filtered elements.

Clicking on any icon of the different states associated with the assets in the panel will redirect the user to their respective inventories by applying the corresponding filters.

For example, by selecting the Down/Critical status icon for Services, the user is directed to the Services Inventory, returning the relevant elements for the query made.

../../_images/2_023a_aggregator_realm_status_global-panel-detail_0-54.png ../../_images/2_023b_aggregator_realm_status_global-filters-hosts-inventory_0-54.png

Last Active Problems Panel

This panel provides a summary of the latest incidents detected by WOCU-Monitoring in the selected Realm. In a tabular format, it indicates the nature of the Alarm (column Problem), the Status assigned by WOCU-Monitoring along with a brief description of it (column Status), and the duration of the downtime or total failure of the incident (column Duration).

Clicking on the panel title will grant access to the List of alarms on monitored assets.


It may happen that the text displayed in any of the three columns exceeds the space available on your monitor, then the text will be cut off at the limit of each column. In this case, an ellipsis (…) is always included to indicate that the text continues but has been cut off. However, the full text can be consulted by placing the cursor over the text.

More information on the Detail Views can be found at:


Enabling the options Filter acknowledge, Filter disabled checks, and/or Filter problem services if host down in User preferences may affect the data displayed in this panel.

Top Hosts (Last 24h) Panel

This panel provides a ranking of the Devices that have generated the most alarms (Problems) in the selected Realm over the last 24 hours.

Clicking on the panel title will grant access to the Hosts Inventory.

On the other hand, by clicking on the indicator of a Host in the Hosts column, you will access its Detailed view of Hosts and Business Processes.



Enabling the options Filter acknowledge and/or Filter disabled checks in User preferences may affect the data displayed in this panel.

Top Services Last 24h

This panel provides a ranking of the Services that have generated the most alarms (Problems) in the selected Realm over the last 24 hours.

Clicking on the panel title will grant access to the Services Inventory.

On the other hand, by clicking on the indicator of a Service in the Services column, you will access its Detailed view of Services associated to a Host.


Last Events 24h

This panel provides a ranking of the latest events recorded in the selected Realm over the last 24 hours.

Clicking on the panel title will grant access to the Monitoring Events (Monitoring).

For each event, the following is recorded:

Time: indicates how long ago the event was received (days and hours since the event occurred).

Event: describes the type of event. Below are the details of the existing types of events:

Alert Type Event (ALERT):

This Event informs of an occurrence that causes a change in the Status calculation in WOCU-Monitoring, for example, the transition from a normal operating state (Up/OK) to a total loss of availability (Down, Critical). The types of messages that the Event field can contain to classify this type of Alerts are as follows:

  • HOST ALERT: message related to an Alert on a Device when a change in its Status occurs.

  • SERVICE ALERT: message related to an Alert on a Service when a change in its Status occurs.

  • HOST FLAPPING ALERT: message related to an Alert on a Device when there is a rapid alternation of States (Flapping).

  • SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT: message related to an Alert on a Service when there is a rapid alternation of States (Flapping).

Notification Type Event (NOTIFICATION):

This Event informs of the sending of a notification message due to a change in Status on an Asset to the individuals listed in the Contacts field for that Asset. In other words, it is a purely informational Event regarding the sending of a notification (email, SMS), which originates from a Status change Event (Alert). The types of messages that the Event field can contain to classify this type of Notification are as follows:

  • HOST NOTIFICATION: message related to a Notification regarding a Device when a change in its Status occurs.

  • SERVICE NOTIFICATION: message related to a Notification regarding a Service when a change in its Status occurs.

External Command Type Event (EXTERNAL COMMAND):

This event informs of the execution by a WOCU-Monitoring user of any of the actions performed through the Actions on monitored Assets (Hosts and Services) that trigger the sending and execution of commands and instructions in WOCU-Monitoring. In this way, the actions performed by WOCU-Monitoring users are also recorded. For example, applying Acknowledgement to an Alarm will result in an event that will be identified with this label “EXTERNAL COMMAND”.

Status: informs of the status calculated by the system for the Asset at the time the Event was received.

To do this, an icon is used to indicate the impact of each Event on the Status determined by WOCU-Monitoring. The following icons are available:

  • Normal operating status (Up/OK), identified by the green checkmark icon:

  • Total loss of availability status (Down/Critical), identified by the red downward arrow icon:

  • Warning status in the operation of a Service (Warning), identified by the yellow exclamation mark icon:

  • Loss of contact status (Unreachable/Unknown), identified by the gray question mark icon:

  • Rapid state alternation status (Flapping), identified by the blue rotating arrows icon:

  • Notification of message sent due to a change in the Status of an Asset (Notification), identified by the envelope icon:

  • Notice of actions executed on monitored Assets by a WOCU-Monitoring user (Commands), identified by the gears icon:


Host: this field includes the name of the Host that has generated the event (clicking on the name will take you to the Detailed view of Hosts and Business Processes).

Services: this field indicates which Service of the Host corresponds to the event (clicking on the name will take you to the Detailed view of Services associated to a Host).

Top 10 Packs

Through a bar chart, the Monitoring Packs that are most present and widely used within the specific Realm are represented. Clicking on the title of the panel will take you to the General Info.

Each bar represents a specific pack, and its size will vary according to its application to more or fewer Hosts.


Additionally, each bar is accompanied by the identifying icon of the pack or its name if no icon is available. Hovering over the icon or text will display an informative window with the represented technology and the total number of Hosts using the pack.
