An agent is a program or software designed to run autonomously and independently on an operating system such as Windows, Debian or RedHat. Its purpose is to establish an interaction with the system, to extract information from the computer on which it is installed (hardware, software, or processes that are running).
Once the information is collected, the agent will send it to a specific address in a secure and authenticated manner using Tokens, ensuring that only the authorized recipient can access the data.
From this section the user is able to register, manage and link Agents and Tokens.

Global list of agents managed in WOCU-Monitoring. From this section the user can create, download and delete agents individually or in bulk.

Manage List Fields
The fields in the list of created agents are described below:

- ✓ Name
This field displays the formal name of the agent.
- ✓ Description
Descriptive name of the agent.
- ✓ Platform
Platform on which the agent will run (Windows, Debian or RedHat).
- ✓ Agent gateway
Address or endpoint that the agent uses to communicate with WOCU-Monitoring.
- ✓ Token
Token associated with the agent.
The possible actions applicable to each table entry are described below:
✓ Download: facilitates the download of the agent’s own file (. zip). By executing this action, the download of the file to the hard drive will begin, for later processing or use. The content of this file is what an operator must send to the machine that he wants to monitor and install.
✓ Delete: Proceeds to permanently delete a specific agent. To consolidate the removal, it will be necessary to confirm the action in the next dialog box.
Detailed Agent Information
By clicking on the name of a particular item, its corresponding detail view will appear with the configuration values of the different attributes of the agent.

The various fields/columns in the table are described below:
✓ Name: formal name of the agent.
✓ Description: Descriptive name of the agent.
✓ Platform: Platform on which the agent runs (Windows, Debian or RedHat).
✓ Schema: indicates the communication protocol that the agent uses to send information to the gateway.
✓ Agent away: Address or connection point that the agent uses to communicate with WOCU-Monitoring.
✓ Token: token associated with the agent.
✓ Created at: Indicates the exact date and time when the agent was created or registered in the system.
✓ Updated at: Indicates the last date and time when any update or modification was made to the agent’s configuration or information.
✓ Is active: Shows whether the agent is currently active. The ✔️ icon indicates that the agent is running and operational.
The system also allows changes to be made to the agent configuration from the information mode itself. Using the Edit button, you can access the editable form with the configuration parameters of the original agent, for free modification and updating.

Add Agent
The registration of a new agent will be initiated from the + Add Agent button.
The process is described below along with the corresponding fields and parameters to be configured in the following form:
✓ Realm name: Field indicating the name of the Realm where the new agent will be created.
✓ Name: formal name of the agent.
✓ Description: Descriptive name of the agent.
✓ Platform: Platform on which the agent runs (Windows, Debian or RedHat).
✓ Schema: indicates the communication protocol that the agent will use to send the information to the gateway.
✓ Agent away: Address or connection point that the agent uses to communicate with WOCU-Monitoring.
✓ Token: token associated with the agent. For more information: Tokens.
✓ Created at: Indicates the exact date and time when the agent was created or registered in the system.
✓ Updated at: Indicates the last date and time when any update or modification was made to the agent’s configuration or information.
✓ Is active: enabling this option will cause the agent to start its operation.
Once you have obtained the desired configuration, you must save and consolidate the changes made by pressing the Create button.
Global list of tokens managed in WOCU-Monitoring. From this section the user can create, manage and delete tokens, facilitating their linking to agents as required.

Tokens List Fields
The fields in the list of available tokens are described below:

- ✓ Token
This field displays the unique identifier of the token.
- ✓ Name
This field shows the formal name of the token.
- ✓ Description
Descriptive name of the token.
- ✓ Created
Indicates the exact date and time when the token was created or registered in the system.
- ✓ Total agents
Indicates the number of agents with said token linked.
- ✓ Active
Shows whether the token is currently active. The ✔️ icon indicates that the item is up and running.
The possible actions applicable to each table entry are described below:

✓ Delete: Proceeds to permanently delete a specific token. To consolidate the deletion, it will be necessary to confirm the action in the following dialog box.

Detailed Token Information
By clicking on the name of a particular item, its corresponding detail view will appear with the configuration values of the various attributes of the token.

The various fields/columns in the table are described below:
✓ Name: This field shows the formal name of the token.
✓ Description: Descriptive name of the token.
✓ Token: This field shows the unique identifier of the token.
✓ Agents count: Indicates the number of agents linked to the specified token.
✓ Agents: Identifies the agent associated with the specified token.
✓ Created at: Indicates the exact date and time when the token was created or registered in the system.
✓ Updated at: Indicates the last date and time when any update or modification was made to the token configuration or information.
✓ Is active: Shows whether the token is currently active. The ✔️ ico indicates that the token is working and operational.
The system also allows changes to be made to the token configuration from the information modal itself. Through the Edit button you can access the editable form with the configuration parameters of the original token, for free modification and updating.

Add Token
The registration of a new agent will be initiated from the + Add Token button.
The process is described below along with the corresponding fields and parameters to be configured in the following form:
✓ Realm name: Field indicating the name of the Realm where the new token will be created.
✓ Name: Formal name of the token.
✓ Description: Descriptive name of the token.
✓ Is active: by enabling this option the token will start its operation.
Once you have obtained the desired configuration, you must save and consolidate the changes made by pressing the Create button.