Packs Inventory (Packs)

Within this section you will find two spaces related to the Monitoring Packs that are being managed and used in the application.

General Info

This section contains the complete listing of the Monitoring Packs that are being applied in a given Realm. It also presents the grouping of assets by type or class of packs applied and by the different operational statuses they can reach.


Pack Inventory Columns


✓ Pack: this column lists the Monitoring Packs in use within the Realm. For each entry in the table, the name of the pack followed by the identifying icon is included. Placing the cursor over the icon will pop up a text alluding to the technology represented.

✓ Hosts: this column counts the total number of Hosts that have a specific pack associated to them. The data is accompanied by a percentage bar. By sorting the column, you get a ranking of the most or least used packs in the Realm.


By clicking on the bar, the user is redirected to the updated Hosts Inventory, showing only the elements relevant to the query made, i.e. the table is filtered with the Hosts that share this monitoring pack.


Figure 1: Inventory filtered by Hosts with Elastic-node pack assigned.

✓ Hosts by State: this field is a summary of the Hosts (sharing a pack) sorted by their different operational states.


Like the status bar, each status icon redirects the user to the updated Hosts Inventory, showing the filtered table with the Hosts with the monitoring pack in common, plus the selected availability status. The query is further refined by discriminating the other elements, as shown in the following image:


Figure 2: Inventory filtered by Hosts with the Elastic-node pack in OK status.


This action shall be blocked in non-occurring monitoring states, i.e. whose value is 0.

✓ Services: this column counts the total number of Services (of Hosts) associated with a specific pack. The data is accompanied by a percentage bar.


By clicking on the bar, the user is redirected to the updated Services Inventory, showing only the elements relevant to the query made, i.e. the table is filtered with the Hosts and Services that share this monitoring pack.


✓ Services by State: this field is a summary of the Services (sharing a pack) sorted by their different operational states.


Like the bar, each status icon redirects the user to the updated Services Inventory, showing the filtered table with the Hosts and Services with the monitoring pack in common, plus the selected availability status. The query is further refined by discriminating the other elements, as shown in the following:



More information on the different navigation, search and sorting options can be found at Common navigation, filtering and sorting options in WOCU.

Configuration Issues

Contains the updated listing of the Monitoring Packs that have experienced configuration configuration problems in one or more of their associated associated.


Pack Inventory Columns


✓ Pack: this column lists the Monitoring Packs in use within the Realm. For each entry in the table, the name of the pack followed by the identifying icon is included. Placing the cursor over the icon will pop up a text alluding to the technology represented.

✓ Host Name: this column records the Host whose associated associated is experiencing a configuration error. Clicking on the Host name will take you to its corresponding Detailed view of Assets: Hosts and Business Processes.

✓ Service Name: registers the monitoring service that is returning a configuration error. Clicking on the name of the service name will access its corresponding Detailed view of Services associated to a Host.

✓ Estado: Through this field, WOCU-Monitoring reports the current status (in terms of availability) of the Service. For better understanding, the background color of each row in the Estado column corresponds to one of the possible states that the Service can reach. For example, a bluish color for those Services in the UNKNOWN state. More information at: Statements of Assets in WOCU

✓ Output: corresponds to the command line that performs the function of the pack itself. This detail allows the user to analyse thoroughly analyse the problem and take specific corrective action.


You can make use of the forced data refresh button (🔁) located at the top right hand side of the table.

Pack inventory data export

Although WOCU-Monitoring offers a multitude of functions for the data management, metrics, charts, etc., at some pointmay require the use of other external tools to address suchinformation. To do this, the export function is integrated, which makes it easy to download inventory data to a file to diskhard, for further treatment or use.

The two buttons next to the Search Bar, CSV and JSON, facilitate the export of data in both formats:


By clicking the corresponding button, a new modal will open for selecting and marking the parameters to be exported according to the user’s criteria. The available options are:

  • Pack (Mandatory)

  • Host Name

  • Host State

  • Host Display Name

  • Service Name (Mandatory)

  • Plugin Output (Mandatory)


Once the selection is confirmed, the download of a file in CSV format (Comma Separated Value) will begin. This is a very simple format that organizes columns using a separator (semicolon “;”) and rows with a line break.


This option follows the same procedure as the previous case, but initiates the download of a file in JSON format (JavaScript Object Notation), a lightweight data interchange format that can be read by any programming language and, therefore, used to exchange information between different technologies.

In both options, the system will offer the choice to select the directory where the generated inventory file will be downloaded and stored, and to assign an alternative name to it. By default, the system assigns the following name:

assets-packs-errors_[nombre del reino]_00h-00min_dd-mm-aaaa y la extensión ``.csv`` o ``.json``.

Filter Devices by State Type

These filtering options modify the display of devices based on their current state. Using this filter, it is easy to select elements that are in a specific monitoring state.

With this filtering function, it is easy to select elements that are in a specific state. For easy understanding, the checkboxes use colors already associated with different types of states. However, hovering the cursor over the checkbox will display a reminder of the state to be selected.

By default, all checkboxes/statuses are checked, indicating that the inventory is showing all Devices without discriminating by any status. Its operation is very simple: by clicking on a checkbox, the filtering option is toggled. Note that once a checkbox is checked, it will display a tick () inside.


Finally, once the filters are configured, you will need to save the changes by clicking the blue Filter button to reload the inventory with the new data request.