Asset Import to Gconf (Gconf_import)

Dentro de la suite de productos de WOCU-Monitoring, se encuentra el GConf. Es el módulo de gestión de configuraciones de dispositivos de red de WOCU-Monitoring. Gconf pemite realizar backups de las configuraciones o la modificación de las mismas mediante plantillas, ya sea de manera unitaria o masivamente. Por lo cual, la tarea Gconf_import se encarga de importar activos que, inicialmente, serán ubicados en el GConf para la posterior administración de configuraciones y el control de versiones.

Through this task, a point of entry is provided for efficient version management and backups, thus contributing to the stability and adaptability of the monitored infrastructure.


Below are detailed each of the different fields that the user must fill out for the configuration of the Task:


Realm Name

This field is not editable and indicates the name of the Realm targeted by the Import Task.

Task Type

This field indicates the Type of Task to be generated. It is the first selectable field in the dropdown menu and conditions the rest of the fields.

If a different type of task is selected before saving changes, the previously entered data will be lost.


The field captures the name chosen by the user to identify the new created task.


Checking this box enables and activates this New Import Task for its next execution.

By default, this option is enabled.


Through this dropdown menu, you can choose how often the asset import for this new task will be executed. The possible available options are:

  • Task executed daily (Every 1 day).

  • Task executed every second (Every 1 second).


Alternative option to establish the frequency at which the task will be executed. Its configuration is done using the Crontab format, providing greater flexibility for more specific use cases.

Expand information on defining execution periods aquí.

Gconf Group

Introduce the group or groups of Hosts that will be imported into the GConf for the management of backups and version control of the set.

Exclude gconf csv

In this field, the user can attach a file in CSV format containing the list of hosts that will be ignored during the task, instead of being imported into the GConf, for subsequent configuration management, backups, and version control.

Once the data has been entered in the corresponding fields, you will need to click the blue Add Tasks button to save the new task in the list.


Clicking on the button identified by the i icon (Information) will open a new window with help information for the different fields. This action does not make any changes to the configuration.
