Delete Monitored Hostο
WOCU-Monitoring offers the possibility to manually remove Hosts from the monitored technological infrastructure. Remember that by excluding an element from the network, the tool will not return information about the status and availability of the same, as verification of the correct performance and availability of associated services and putting at risk vital business processes.
The procedure to be followed is described below:
1. Access the Configuration module.
All Hosts are integrated in independent Realms, on which the tool maintains isolated inventories, reports, alarms, event logs, etc. So this process starts from the module Basic WOCU configuration, the main section of the Realm to which the Host to be deleted belongs.

The Basic WOCU configuration Module will only be visible and accessible from standard Realms, i.e. it will be hidden for Realms based on Hosts Groups and Multirealm.
2. Locate the Host within Active Assets.
The Monitored Assets tab, includes the lists of the different types of assets (and contacts) that are going to be monitored by WOCU-Monitoring or are effectively already being monitored. In this case, access the subsection Hosts in Assets, where the Host to be deleted must be included.

Use the search bar above the inventory to speed up the process of locating the Host in large listings.

3. Final erasure of the Host by means of the Delete action.
Once the Host is located, the action is executed by pressing the Delete button corresponding to the row of the element and the Host monitored by WOCU-Monitoring shall be permanently deleted.

After selecting the Delete action, the following message will appear:

Are you sure you want to erase the host with [host name] as the host name?
Finally, by selecting the red Delete Host button, the following message will be displayed on the screen as confirmation of the action:

The Host has been successfully removed
4. Enforce deletion: WOCU Check.
Any configuration needs the execution of the Apply changes: WOCU Check action to become effective.

Once the action is confirmed, a dialogue box will appear informing the user of the new asset configuration to be performed or of the anomalous operation in the system.

To make the changes and permanently delete the Host, click on the blue button Restart WOCU (Restart WOCU), or otherwise click on the cross at the top right of this window to go back without making any changes.
In case the user backs out of the removal of the Host, Import Tasks (Tasks) must be re-launched for the re-discovery and re-integration of the Host into the monitoring network.
Remove Embedded Hosts in Host Groups and Business Processesο
When the removed Host is part of a Host Group, the system shall automatically remove and delete it from the HostGroup in question, without user interaction.
In contrast, in Business Processes the user must manually delete the Host. Letβs look at the following example:
1. We are interested in removing the Doc_23
host integrated in the HBP Ex_Doc
, as we can see in the Inventory of Host Business Processes on Assets.

2. If we go back to the Inventory of Hosts in Assets and locate the Host Doc_23
, we can see how the system assigns the status Protected (π), preventing its deletion. This situation is caused by the linking of the asset to a Host Business Process or Service Business Process.

For more details, clicking on the protected icon π will display the Host Dependencies information window, which indicates the Host Business Processes or Service Business Processes of which the Host to be deleted is a part.

The removal of assets shall in no case leave orphan elements or unstructured entities, whether Host Business Process or Service Business Process.
3. As indicated in the Host Dependencies view, we must remove the asset Doc_23
from the Business Processes using the Edit action and modify the Business Rule definition field by excluding and removing the Host in question from the expression.

4. Once the change has been confirmed, from the Inventory of Hosts in Assets it is now possible to remove the Host Doc_23
by means of the delete action, since the Protected status (π) has been revoked.

The removal of the Host shall be consolidated in the system through the execution of the action Apply changes: WOCU Check.

A dialogue box will immediately appear informing you of the status of the database. To make the changes, the restart and update of the system must be confirmed via the blue Restart WOCU button. An automatic Snapshots of the existing configuration will also be created before restarting.
WOCU-Monitoring provides the CSV_Delete task for mass deletion (de-import) of assets, speeding up network clean-up processes.
For an efficient and stable use of the tool, constant maintenance and debugging of the monitored network is recommended to ensure control and supervision of all assets and processes that impact our business.