Release Notes 0.37

Import Tool

Mass deletion of Hosts in Active Assets

In the Pending Assets list, there was a functionality to mass-delete Hosts by selecting all the Hosts you wanted to delete at once. However, this functionality was so far not available in the Monitored Assets Host list.

With this update, the functionality and styling of the option has been equalised so that the option can be found in both places. Now when selecting items from the Operational Hosts list, the bulk wipe action can be applied to them:


WOCU will not apply any changes until the Apply button is clicked. A new window will then open for confirmation of the action (Remove) or cancellation of the mass action (Cancel):



More information can be found at: Mass delete.

New tab Task Status in Import-Tool

In order to complete and update the information available in WOCU on the Import Tasks, the Tasks Status section has been added in this new version within the Import-Tool, to provide in detail the current situation and status of the Asset Import Tasks configured in WOCU.


In addition, by clicking on the callsign of any record in the status table, a new window will pop up with the configuration parameters of the Task in question.

../../_images/0_37_05_active_host_job_information-detail.jpg ../../_images/0_37_04_active_host_job_information.jpg

Thus, by consulting this new section, it will be possible to know the current status of these automatic tasks, together with their configuration parameters previously defined by the administrator.


More information can be found at Import Tasks (Tasks)


New endpoint to query the status of a host’s services in a multi-realm

Until now WOCU served an endpoint to query the status of a host’s services but only for the standard realm.

GET /api/status/realms/{realm_name}/host/{host}/services/

A new endpoint has been added to be able to also query the status of services at the level of Multi-Realm type realms.

GET /api/status/multirealms/{realm_name}/host/{host}/services

Unification of endpoints for mass allocation of packs

In previous versions, two endpoints were used to assign or unassign multiple monitoring packs to one or more Hosts at a time.

  • To allocate packs:

  • To unassign packs:


This operation has been refactored, unifying the two endpoints into one, so now these two actions will be managed depending on the HTTP verb used (PUT and POST to assign and DELETE to unassign packs).



Migration of several widgets to REACT technology

The non-visible part of several widgets in the Status tab of a Realm has been simplified by migrating them to REACT technology. These are:

1. Last Active Problems Panel: se ha migrado al componente LastProblemsWidget en tecnología REACT.

2. Evolution of Host & BP Hosts Last 24 h y Evolution of Services & BP Services Last 24 h: ambos se han migrado al componente StatusEvolutionWidget en tecnología REACT.

Monitoring engine

Performance and stability improvements

In this version, the stability of the monitoring engine used by WOCU (Shinken) has been improved by making certain adjustments both in the code and in default configuration parameters:

  • The HTTP server timeouts used internally by the broker (and also by the other Shinken daemons) have been increased. The changes affect the connection time, the time to queue jobs and the time to stop threads.

  • The default socket (low level) timeout of the livestatus module has also been increased. In addition it is now configurable by the administrator.

  • The management of processes per CPU of the poller daemon has been improved, as well as the checks executed per process, and these variables can now be configured from the main configuration file.

These changes have been shown to improve engine stability, as well as allowing an advanced administrator to modify these parameters for even finer tuning.